Over the course of the 3 day summit, high school students from across Rhode Island learned components of traffic safety with a focus on substance use prevention strategies and safe decision making skills. Students will have the opportunity to develop their innate leadership skills to keep themselves, their schools and their communities safe and strong. School and community teams will create action plans to take back to their schools and communities to implement over the course of the school year. There are only 100 spots available, so sign up today to save your spot.
**Every school group is required to have an adult advisor who is 21 years or older attend the summit. Please contact Youth Driven Program Coordinator with any questions you may have.
How Do I Sign Up?
Fill out the form on this page
Who Can Attend The Summit?
Any Rhode Island high school student or 8th grader going into their freshman year.
How Much Does It Cost To Attend The Summit?
The Youth Driven Summit is 100% FREE
Is Transportation Provided?
Yes! We offer transportation for drop off on the first day and bring you home on the last day of the Summit.
What Will I Do At The Summit?
Meet new student leaders from across Rhode Island and make new friends! Live on a college campus for 4 days, for FREE and attend workshops all about leadership and traffic safety education. Create a traffic safety action plan with your school group for the upcoming school year, which will educate your school about traffic safety topics.
How Many Spots Are Available?
There are only 100 spots open so sign up as soon as possible.
What Is The Difference Between A Leader and Participant Position?
Youth Driven is a leadership program and we encourage Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors to apply for a leader position at the summit. This is strongly encouraged but if you are not comfortable with being a leader you are welcome to apply to attend as a participant. ***Graduating Seniors must apply to be a leader in order to attend.
If I Don't Have An Adult Advisor Can I Still Sign Up?
YES!! Sign up today and we will work with you to find an adult advisor.
Who Can My Parent/Guardian Contact With Questions?
Rebecca White - Program Coordinator for Youth Driven. EMAIL: youthdrivenri@gmail.com
Action Plan Videos